Brisbane Hypnosis Clinic

Trancesolutions Hypnosis Audios / CDs to reduce or stop drinking

Trancesolutions hypnotherapy CDs and Audios to take control of excess drinking

Brisbane Hypnosis Clinic : Hypnosis CDs and Audios to control alcohol / excessive drinking Hypnosis CDs and MP3s To Control Alcohol

Trancesolutions Taking Control program provides an effective strategy to curb or completely stop problem drinking. This program will help you re-evaluate and change negative or unhelpful thinking and enable you change to modify your alcohol intake. Using proven methods, Taking Control will your strengthen will power, self-confidence and self-esteem. This audio program is a powerful way to break negative drinking habits and behavioural patterns.

Pack Contents
  • Double CD / Audio download with 4 hypnotherapy programs, downloadable worksheets – $39.95

What our clients say about this program

Taking Control

“I just have to tell you how well I am doing! since I started the program not a drop of alcohol has passed my lips. I have socialised a lot and have not at all been interested in drinking. I’m reading, have been staying up longer, I’m sleeping very well and feel very motivated.”

– I.M. Melbourne – 

“I want to say many, many thanks for the CDs, I am doing great. 6 days today without a drink and I’m waking and feeling the best I have in ages. The CDs are so well done, thank you.”

– J.D. QLD – 

Did you know?

We use these hypnosis audio programs with all of our clinical clients. They reinforce the work achieved in a session and also minimise the number of sessions that many clients need. People who use the CDs regularly see more rapid results that those who don't make the time.